Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Think I'm going crazy.. I'm starting to enjoy the stress I'm going through right now haha..
I'm such a weirdo!!..

Probably it's because I'm starting to due better with stress..
Don't have to worry about not spending enough time with anybody..
Look forward to the once a week soccer session..
Enjoy the company of going out with friends..
Maybe it's because of what happened this year.. After being not able to work for about 3 months.. To be still close to accomplishing my goals feels like a major achievement already haha..
But close is not enough.. I want to HIT it!...

Really looking forward to Saturday.. Decided to reward myself by taking the whole day off..
Will be catching Dim Sum Dollies.. Not sure if it's the company I'm looking forward to or the show haha..
but I sure hope the show is good!.. It will be held at Victoria Theatre.. If only the location is Esplanade.. Coz I have not caught anything at Esplanade yet.. Should have caught Forbidden City.. Oh well..
No matter.. It's who you watch it with that matters..

My friend mentioned it seems that I've been catching shows/musicals/plays like these..
But I haven't caught that many.. YET.. Haha.. It helps that I have somebody to watch with..
So far I've only caught Grease and Broadway Beng.. with Dim Sum Dollies coming up.. But I'd like to set the record straight that I'm not trying to be arty-farty.. I've been more interested in shows that are more entertaining... Notre Doum (however you spell that).. Phantom of the Oprea don't interest me..
But then again.. I may watch Phantom of the Opera.. only because it's like such a classic.. Oops.. Arty-Farty me? haha..

I would love to catch Stomp if they ever come back to Spore again..
To catch Kumar in action next?

-- Ginsen Tonic Maker -- Work hard.. Play hard..


Anonymous said...

Notre Dame u mean?? hehe dun worry, wrong spelling in here won't make you lose a mark..

hey Stomp is good should watch it. don't know if you caught another version of's the Stroj. they performed last yr at the open field next to Boon Lay Mrt...u see that? it was gooooood and free!

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