Sunday, November 28, 2010

Xiaxue is Evil

Xiaxue is Evil... 
I'm not even talking about her spats with other bloggers or any other person who has crossed her... (yes, I do read her blog from time to time)
I'm talking about something even more personal!
If you have wife/girlfriend/partner reading her blog.. be careful!
You know.. like how the devil holds sway over some people?...

Why do I say that?

Some time last week...
Out of the blue....
Wifey dropped me a SMS which read:

"Baby... I need to talk to you tonight!"

Thoughts that came to my mind?

"Uh-oh... What did I do this time?!..."

or worse... one of the things guys fear the most...

"What did I NOT do this time?.."

So conversation at the "tonight"?

Wifey:  Baby... I will need about $6-$8k...

Me: Huh?!... Why???.... What????....

Wifey: Don't worry.. Not asking you to pay.. I'm going to save up $6-$8k asap...

Me:... Eh for?

Wifey: Invisalign

Me: Invis - simi - lign???

Wifey: INVISALIGN dental braces.. a kind of clear braces to fix teeth... it looks something like the one you have (read: Ben the Boxer).. no ugly metal..

Me: Wah.. Ok... So how did you find out about this Invisalign  thing for bright smile and all? Does it even work??

Wifey: Because... 

I read it on Xiaxue's blog!

The power of social media... the power of Xiaxue's blog!!
It is not the first time I heard people buying or trying something because of Xiaxue!...
She can probably start a cult on her own!...

People who don't read blogs are surprised whenever I say Xiaxue writes well.. She does... If you can look beyond the spats and vulgarities...
She brings her points across real well...

TOO Well if you ask me... $6-$8K too well!... (if you have a gf/wife/partner like mine!) haha...

Hmm.. Maybe I should go for dentist teeth whitening.. I wonder if Xiaxue has any recommendation for that!...

--Ginseng Tonic Maker-- Ginseng to cure addiction!


xing said...

wah i ask rm10 from my hubby also hard. ure generous!

Ken Wooi said...

she might get it sponsored.. unlike many of us which have to fork out the money :)

Kelvin said...

Kenwooi is right, she got those sponsered.

Benjamin Ang said...

@Xing: No lah.. I'm not paying for it lor! haha.. Too ex....

@Ken and Kelvin: In any case she deserves it coz she's that influential now... Anyway she's a full-time blogger.. there'll surely be sponsored or paid advertorials on her blog...

Shannon said...

lolx! it's an advertorial for her la xD

Zazabong said...

Hahaha this is so cute. I tot of getting the Biore's makeup remover sheet tt XX advertised on her blog too.. but at least I only "try out" the cheaper products LOL. XX prolly get hers sponsored whereas we have to fork out $$ ourselves leh.. so exp!

Benjamin Ang said...

@Zazabong: Get a hold on yourself!.. See.. Told you it's evil already! haha..

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

it's free publicity for her. lol

Unknown said...

ROFL! so what did you NOT do is to buy invisalign for your wife

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