Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Is my husband gay?

What is worse than having a husband leave a wife for another woman?


The husband leaving the wife for another MAN!!!!

I think... Wifey was beginning to worry about me...
Probably asking herself....

"Is my husband gay?"

and the shocking thing is...
I don't blame her for doing that!!


EVERY... SINGLE... time.. I've seen the man... I will tell Wifey...

"Oh my goodness... isn't he GORGEOUS??!!!"

"He is sooooooooooo HANDSOME!!!"

"He is damn CHARISMATIC right?!"

"Sooooooo CHARMING!!!!"......


so much so... 

Wifey actually told me...

"Baby... you've got to stop saying that.. you are freaking me out already..."

And why do I say I don't blame her for asking "Is my husband gay?"....

Even after she told me that...

I still feel the exact same way!....

She has caught me watching... quite a few times already.... way too many times....

When I was supposed to be resting...
When I was supposed to be sleeping...
When I was supposed to be watching TV with her...

and there I was... in a world of my own....



Any idea who is he??

Here's more....

Handsome right?!...

Ok... before you become like my Wifey.. and start wondering about my sexual orientation...
I'm totally STRAIGHT... (not that there's anything right/wrong with either way)..

This guy is Matt Bomer
Any idea who is he?...
Actually I got no idea...
The reason why I was so crazy about him??....

White Collar

The show WHITE COLLAR....

The last time I was so crazy about a show was (embarrassingly)


F4 Meteor Garden

Meteor Garden F4 Korea

No.. Not the Korea one..
F4 Meteor Garden Japan
It's not even the Japanese one... (I think hardly anybody watched it..)

It was the Taiwanese one.....

F4 Meteor Garden Taiwan

That's really quite many years back...
I'm not usually crazy about TV...


that shows how good WHITE COLLAR is!!...
The show is about this criminal Neal Caffrey (played by Matt Bomer)...
Not the kind of gun wielding... arm robbery kind of criminal...
but a VERY VERY VERY smart one...
He is basically a con-man... a thief.... a forger... a highly intelligent criminal...

Because he is so good at what he does.. he became a FBI "consultant"...
Helping them to solve crimes of his "kind"...

What gets me hooked to the show I feel is because it is "intellectual".. 
I love seeing how the crime is solved...
And the best part is... the show makes it feel like YOU could do it too...
(although I strongly advise NOT to!!.. unless you are as good looking or intelligent haha...)

I think it is showing on Channel 5 now...

Watch it... but be warned...

You could be hooked too!!!...

--Ginseng Tonic Maker-- Ginseng to cure addiction?


Anonymous said...

Bomer is amazing actor, charitable, smart and stunning to look at - the quad threat very very rare in show biz.

EeSoon said...

I watched that Meteor Garden (Taiwan's) too~~
I love that show too. But what makes me fall in love to that show are not the guys, but the girl, the main character. ^^

Shaofie said...

i also watch the meteor garden.
quite good drama.

but really your gay story was funny.
love that.

Benjamin Ang said...

Think the plot of White Collar has a lot to do with it as well..

EeSoon>> I didn't watch the 2nd season though...

Benjamin Ang said...

Shaofie>> Thanks... thanks...

Tamster-TaMy said...

I LOVE "Meteor Garden" Taiwan version!!!! I've watched the Jap version and watched abit of the Korean one... But I STILL PREFERS the Taiwan version! I've actually watched it like a few times back then!! =)

That Matt Bomer guy is reali hot!!! =P

Oh and by the way, I totally enjoy checking out hot babes with great figure & pretty faces.. All the time!! And I am perfectly Straight too!! Hee... =D

Benjamin Ang said...

Hi Tamy>> I've only watched the Taiwan version.. coz I don't see why I should watch something that I already know the story haha..

But think most people were more crazy about the Korean than the Jap one.. My wife tells me the Korean actors were way cuter...

Matt Bomer is!.. Told ya... Ooopss.....

Nana Eddy said...

hey I watched all three version of Meteor Garden and loved it all... I even read the original Manga (comic). lols

oh yeah, thanx for your visit. For your info, FML stands for F**k My Life - or something like that...

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