Tuesday, November 24, 2009


B.O.P which stands for Business Opportunities with Prudential.
It is Prudential's career seminar for people who wish to find out more about a career with us as a Financial Consultant.

For the one held on 18 Nov 2009, I was privileged to be invited by company to share my experience and advice to the guests who were considering to join us.

It was another great experience for me, speaking in front of a crowd. (The other one this year being the Young Professionals Convention 2009 @ SMU. If you missed it, read about it HERE)

Success for you?

Our Chief Distribution Officer speaking..
If not now, when?
If not you, who?

The introductions...

Hopefully was able to share some insights people found useful..

Our guest speaker, Dr. Andrew Goh to wrap things up
Always funny, always able to make simple life's challenges..
Of course, with his evergreen.. COKE story..

The guests..

-- Ginseng Tonic Maker -- What's the price of a can of COKE?


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