Monday, November 02, 2009

Speaking at Young Professionals Convention 2009 @ SMU

I had the honor of being invited to Young Professionals (YP) Convention 2009 which was held at Singapore Management University on 17th October 2009.
It was organised as a platform for young and successful professionals (*ahem* haha..) to share with other professionals and also the graduating students, their experiences and how they made their marks in their professional career development.

I was invited to be one of the panelists for the YP conference, sharing the stage with members of the female team who successfully conquered Mount Everest, Manager of Epson Singapore, Civil Engineers, a national sailor who qualified for Beijing Olympics and a SMU lecturer. Honored, indeed.

There were 2 panels for the day with the topic of
1) Young and Successful: Secret of YP Success
2) Training for Success: Continuous Learning and its Challenges

Besides the conference, we also had a booth to introduce a career with us to the young professionals there.

More pics to be up.. but actually.. not many pics taken haha..

--Ginseng Tonic Maker-- Not-that-Young-Anymore Professional


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