Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Wife does all the work

As mentioned in my previous Wifey is the best post...
I will blog more about the wonderful things that Wifey does for me...

Here is one of them...

If you are below the age of 18... Parental guidance is advised!...

Like one of many nights...
I was on the bed...
All ready to go to sleep...

If you are not married.. you probably have to DIY (do it yourself) once in a while......
If you are married and lucky enough like me... your Wife sometimes do all the work...

Wifey: Baby.. you sleeping already?

Me: Yeah.. quite tired already..

Wifey (after checking me out): Baby... you very long haven't *censored#* already...

Me: Huh Baby.. nevermind.. another night.. I'm really very sleepy already...

Wifey (very insistent): Baby.. It's ok.. all you need to do is....

lie down there and I will do all the work...

Me: Really must be tonight?... Ok....

How blissful can I be right?...
So Wifey did all the work while I lied down there and continued sleeping...

While I was sleeping.. she just...
helped me cut my nails!
coz it was quite some time since I cut my nails...

--Ginseng Tonic Maker-- Perks of being married..


Evie Yang said...

hahahaha..funny. XD

Benjamin Ang said...

Thank you! =)

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAH!! *tut tut tuttttttttttt*

Benjamin Ang said...

Don't have dirty thoughts!

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