Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Line

Should be out for work appointments by now..
But the rain is way too heavy..
Luckily they are kind souls who will let me meet them at a later timing..
So I'm blogging til the rain goes away haha..

I don't blog much about my activities.. I don't post pics much..
But because it was such Great Company for lunch yesterday..
I'll talk about it and post some pics today..

Lunch at The Line. Buffet at Shangri-La Hotel.
Great food.. Great variety..

The food that I began with.

-- Many other things in between Haha.. --

The dessert that I ended with.

And the great company is.....

My mum and I.

With the photographer of the year award going to my Sis!

(In her defence, she pressed th button by mistake haha..)

Yup.. And that was the great company for lunch yesterday.

My Mum, my Sis and my Bro-in-law. We brought Mum out for her Bday lunch..

It's worth every single cent.. For the food.. the location.. and most importantly.. the family gathering!

-- Ginseng Tonic Maker -- The greatest love of all.. A mother's love..

And it's STILL raining!...


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