Thursday, March 25, 2010

Family Vacation - Hong Kong

Back from a family vacation 2 days ago..
Decided to post the pics before I get lazy..
Went with my wife.. my mum.. and my in-laws!...
Hong Kong is really like the famous ad that most of us remember..
"Buy something.. Eat something.. Buy something.. Eat something.."
We walked sooooo much......... It's amazing my in-laws and my mum could take it..
Even I was struggling...
And my dear wifey... Who feels tired when we go for walks and exercises easily... seems like an Olympic Champ in brisk walking when shopping!!!!

Overall.. Feels it is a great trip.. Got to spend time with my mum.. Got to know my in-laws better.. And another country to strike off the list to visit with my wifey..

Jackie Chan stays in one of the houses up in the hill in the background!

The Peak

Wax Museum - they were such great sport to don the hats!..

Another one at Disney Land... So CUTE!! Haha...

Eating Mickey in Disney...

Realized we didn't take a lot of photos.. Took more photos of the family...

Day trip to Macau

My Secret Friend - Looks as though we posed together for the shot?

Got the feel of a Hong Kong guy?..Shrit from Subculture.. A Hong Kong brand I think...
Thanks to my friend.. who asked me to help her get a cap.. Ended up spending more money there!..
Got another berms.. From another HK designer..

More trips to come!..


Unknown said...

Hahah... nice shirt! I recommend one sure not bad :P


Benjamin Ang said...

Yah.. Love it.. but my mum soaked the shirt.. colour stained =(

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