Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Secret Admirer in Office

While back in office working one evening, I felt something under my desk.
There was a paperbag left below my table.
Puzzled and wondering what it was, I bent down and picked up the paperbag.

There was a gift inside.
Who could it be from?!
Could it be true?..
*Gasp*... A secret admirer in office?!?!
 It's a cute little gift. A DIY gift.

Secret Admirer DIY Gift 1
Secret Admirer DIY Gift 2
Maybe, somebody DIYed something for me?!
Doesn't the person know that I'm a married man?!?!
Nonetheless, it's a good boost for the ego...

And then finally... 
I found a note...
From the secret admirer...

Secret Admirer DIY Gift Note

It was a gift for my Wifey!!!! (*Sighz* Don't even have a chance to boost my ego...)

A secret admirer of MY Wifey from My Office, passing a gift to My Wifey through ME?!?! 

It doesn't even say who it is from!!!...

After much investigation (phobia from the Abalone incident), the gift is from a certain Teo....
Someone who I work closely with..
Someone who I consider a close friend..
Someone who is getting married soon!!!

It is from a certain Ms Teo>> My Wifey says Thanks!!

Well.... luckily... life is not as dramatic as Mediacorp's Drama Serials...

--Ginseng Tonic Maker-- Next time give Ginseng as gift lah!!


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