Monday, July 26, 2010

Wild Honey Breakfast - Review + Conversation of the Day

If you have not heard yet, Wifey and I have been attending marriage classes.
One of the "homework" is always for us to have a date at least once a week.
So over the weekend, we decided to head to Wild Honey for breakfast on Sunday for some "us-time". It is located at Meritus Mandrin Hotel.

It starts at 8am on weekends. Even though we were there by 10am, we still had to wait about half an hour for a table! So be there early if you want to check it out.

Here are some of the pics

English Breakfast at Wild Honey
That's my breakfast. Very value-for-money.

European Breakfast at Wild Honey
That's wifey's breakfast.. Super Yummy!!

The bill came up to about $60+++. Not that expensive for the quality and quantity of food and the ambiance and decor of the place but NOT cheap either. Don't think I will frequent the place despite the fact that I enjoyed it. 

Wifey, probably knowing what's on my mind and loving the place had this to say....

Wifey: Baby, nice right?.. We should come back again.. once in a while..

Me: Nice.. but quite ex... ya coming back once in a while quite ok...

Wifey: Ok.. Let's come back NEXT WEEKEND!!

Me: I thought you just said once in a while??!!!



Once in a while...

That's why next week...

'cause next week...

is NEXT MONTH already!!! 



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