Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Linsanity - What is Lin and Fields doing before each game?

If you are like me, caught in the "Linsanity" craze..
You may have seen Lin and Fields' greeting / ritual before each game...
And you would most likely... like me... thought to yourself...

What the hell are they doing?!

Well, the mystery is solved....

Thanks to....

Linsanity - TIME cover

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Gaining weight is not my fault!

I finally found out why I've been gaining weight...
It is not my fault and it has NOTHING to do with the lack of exercise... I'm sure...

Wifey found out why from "Your pregnancy week by week" book that she has been reading...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Husband's and Wife's take on Valentine's Day Celebration

While having our mini-Valentine's Day dinner... I shared with Wifey the following....

I met a friend for lunch today...
While chatting, I asked her.. 
"Hey.. so where are you going to celebrate V day tonight? Is your husband planning something?"

She said: "No plans tonight.. coz he is in reservist!"