Friday, June 30, 2006

The Idiot in All of Us..

Ever wondered how:

Whenever we are swimming laps in the pool,
There are always idiots standing at the end of the pool blocking our way..
And whenever we are taking a break at the end of the pool,
There are always idiots swimming into us?

Whenever you are walking alone,
There are always a bunch of idiots walking side-by-side blocking the path..
And whenever you are walking side-by-side with a group of friends,
There are always idiots walking into you?

Whoever drives faster than you is an idiot rushing to die,
And whoever drives slower than you is an idiot who has no purpose in life?

Whoever is richer than you
are idiots who cheat and backstab their way to richess..
And whoever isn't as rich as you
are idiots who are too lazy?

Whoever is more successful than you
are idiots who have no life and is slogging away..
And whoever isn't as successful as you
are idiots who has no ambition?

I say.. Have some ginsengtonic.. Chill out.. Be more forgiving.. and Get High on Life..

-- Ginseng Tonic Maker --


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