Monday, December 22, 2008

Enlighten Me.. Please...

Sometime I scratch my head and wonder..
Am I remembering it wrongly?..
Or are most people remembering it wrongly.. like I am...

When public transport fares increased..
The price of oil was the reason given..
Oil price goes up >> Oil is needed for fuel and basically everything else>> And so fares went up... or so we were told...
Orrhhhh.... Ok ok.. Understood.. Understandable lah.. got link mah.. ok ok...

Hmm.. THEN...
Prices of oil started dropping...
*we tapped our feet and waited*...
and dropping...
*we continued tapping our feet and waiting*....
And finally the golden question..
"Eh.. Excuse me ah.. Oil price went up.. fares increased rite.. that one after explanation, I understood.. Now oil price came down already.. How come no reductions ah?"

Orrhh.. Don't be mistaken.. Oil price got no direct link to fares one.. We link to many other things.. like wages lah.. inflation lah.. Also hor.. Many costs involved in running a company.. Everybody also know one mah.. Oil is just a small part leh.. Still got manpower costs leh.. Still got rentals leh.. Shareholders invest also need returns on their money right..


Either the message has been misintepreted somewhere.. or the message has been lost in there somewhere..
Maybe better PR campaign is needed so people can have a better and clearer picture?..
Anybody can help me solve the mystery?

Coz now that inflation and wages probably will start to fall in the coming months... SURELY the fares have to fall rite?..
*Tapping feet and waiting*

Not that I'm taking the public transport a lot..
but then again.. the same goes for petrol companies!

--Ginseng Tonic Maker-- Convince me once more...


cyndax said...

haha true.

Anonymous said...

haha..funny post! :P keep more coming! =)

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