Monday, March 07, 2011

Excuse me!!!!!!

Was coming down a flight of narrow stairs after parking my car...
There was this man (old uncle) walking in front of me...

Me: Excuse me!

*He moved out of the way... as I walked passed him hurriedly..*
*He mumbled under his breath... Which I heard...*

Him: Wah lau.... So rude....

Me:*stopped.. turned back to look at him*..Are you talking to me??!

Him: Yah lah.. so rude what.. don't know how to say 'thank you'...

**I looked at him...


and walked away**

Okie... If you think I'm super rude and odd to be shot...

Read on... 

Before you pull the trigger....

This man..

was smoking as he was walking!!!

 and that's why I had to walk fast to overtake him....

And he expected me to thank him?!...
Like what....

"I apologise, Sir...
So terribly sorry...
I'm extremely impressed with your mannerisms...
THANK YOU for sharing with the world your nicotine..
and trying to kill me with your second hand smoke.."

--Ginseng Tonic Maker-- It's ok to be a smoker... it's not ok to be inconsiderate!


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