Monday, August 23, 2010

Excuse me, are you a blogger?

Did you read about the food blogger who demands free meal sparks outrage online?

My reaction after I read it?


in more ways than one...
Definitely shocked by the rudeness of the food blogger in question...
He allegedly demanded free meals for his group of four.. and when his request (or demand) was turned down.. he supposedly threw his credit card at the cashier and then stormed off after payment...

Equally shocked that his ploy actually worked!!... partially...
As he repeatedly insist that "I never pay for food in any restaurant" (??!!!!), his total bill of $435 was actually reduced by the restaurant to $159 out of goodwill...
That's more than 60% discount!!!! 
And he is still pissed?!??!!!

Never knew bloggers have such privileges...
I'm a blogger too you know!!!...
So are about 126 million others.... 

Not only am I a food blogger (very few food entries actually)..
I'm also a travel blogger! Think I should start insisting the next time I travel... 
"I never pay for my air tickets... and my accommodation.. oh.. and my shopping... ya and my spa... hmm my food... and whatever needs money..."

I should try walking into the banks or insurance companies or any wealth seminars...
"Oh.. I never pay for my mortgages... and loans... or seminars.. or insurance premiums!"...

I promise to be nice.. I will be jumping for joy and blogging all things nice if you give me a 60% discount!!!!

Any sponsors to pay me for blogging yet?!...

Of lesser importance... But I'm curious nonetheless...
The blogger seems like a confused guy...
What's with naming his site Ladyironchef?

--Ginseng Tonic Maker-- hmm.. like ginsengtonic is any better hahaha....


Benjamin Ang said...

Clarifications from the ladyironchef..
read about it at

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